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Our Lady of the Holy Cross Catholic Church

Our Lady of the Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church dominates the landscape of Baden. Sitting atop a hill on a 2-acre wooded site west of North Broadway, the church's steeple is visible for miles.

Built in 1909, the red-brick Gothic-styled church is the centerpiece of the parish complex of buildings. It was built by German architects for a German congregation, but today serves a more diverse population.

* Link: Architecture of the church

Among the more quirky features of the church is "Elijah", Our Lady's resident Church Dog. He's a lab/collie mix belonging to the church's priest, who moved to the church in 2009. During my March 2011 visit, Elijah quietly trotted around the sanctuary before services, checking out new visitors (your author got a particularly lengthy sniffing, likely owing to having shared a room with several cats the night before) and then quietly took a seat in the aisle as services begin.

Link: Dog is 'Gift from God' - Post-Dispatch

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