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August 2001.

Ohio Street at N. 11th Street - August 2001.

Central City: Northeast
The former East St. Louis Senior High School at Ohio Avenue and Katherine Dunham Place (aka 10th Street) opened in 1917. It was abandoned and boarded up by 2001. Signs advertised the coming of a "New Early Children Center School".

Unfortunately, this meant demolition for the old high school. It was gone and replaced by a new building by 2005.

Summit Avenue and Katherine Dunham Place - August 2001.

An abandoned corner store ("C & T's Variety").

Katherine Dunham Place, north of Summit - November 2007.

Katherine Dunham Place, north of Summit - November 2007.

More houses along Katherine Dunham Place, mostly in good shape.

August 2001.

At the end of the street, the Katherine Duhnham museum occupies a wonderfully renovated and maintained old house.

Link: Katherine Dunham Centers for Arts and Humanities at ESLARP.

August 2003. These two buildings no longer stand.

November 2007, and only this, their neighbor, remains.

Yet ruins long stood virtually next door. The disparity is amazing, and the fact that the abandoned houses have been demolished in the years since does little to erase it.

One doesn't know whether to be flabergasted that a house could be allowed to fall into such disrepair... or amazed a community with problems as deep as this could also be home to such a well-kept institution.

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