Built St. Louis > > East St. Louis > > Granite City

September 2006.

September 2006.

September 2006.

September 2006.


September 2006.

September 2006.

September 2006.

September 2006.

September 2006.

Granite City, Illinois

Granite City's history as a sizable town is visible in its downtown, far larger than anything in Metro East outside of East St. Louis. Several multi-story buildings loom above a large collection of 2- and 3-story commercial buildings.

The town was founded as a home for the workers of Granite City Steel, and the massive steel mill on its south side remains its primary employer. The downsizing of the steel industry has hit Granite City hard; many businesses are empty, and building demolition is seen as progress by the local government.

The mills are shown in detail on the Industrial City tour.

At left: the Granite City Steel Building.

September 2006.

September 2006.

This building, including its delightful wall full of ancient painted ads for R.S.Holstein Dry Goods, was torn down in 2007.

Granite City Steel forms a massive wall at downtown's south edge, a sharp change in scale and function.

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