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November 2007.

November 2007.

The Northern Neighborhoods
The northeastern portion of the city was sliced off from the rest with the coming of Interstate 64. These neighborhoods contain historic Jones-Hall Park, the city's largest, near where Lynch and Caseyville Streets meet.

Though filled with beautiful old trees and winding lagoons, the park seems to be largely deserted most of the time. Old postcards show the lagoon with a beach filled with bathers on sunny days.

August 2001.

November 2007.

On the east end of the park, an Art Deco formal pool and fountain are drained and filled with weeds.

November 2007.

The park's centerpiece is a pavillion set alongside its winding lagoon. A few residents still congregate there to fish, parking alongside the building even though no actual paved path leads there.

Lynch Avenue looking east - November 2007.

West of the park, houses give way to open lands. A new sports field addition to the park stands gated much of the time

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