Built St. Louis > > Central Corridor > > Midtown > > Westminster Place
Among all the grand institutions and vacant lots, it is something of a surprise to discover Westminster
Place -- two complete blocks of houses have managed to survive relatively intact.
The houses are all in reasonably good shape; infill houses have been inserted where gaps occurred. The group faces parking lots at the
back of the Moolah Temple and other large buildings, so it's not quite an urban oasis -- but it's a healthy street, and somewhat secluded from the
bustle of the city around it.
Image courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
This home, at 3747 Westminster, was owned by a mining engineer in 1890.
Image and data courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
3759 Westminster Place.
Image courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
3763 Westminster Place.
Image courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
3811 Westminster Place, a Romanesque house with Queen Anne influences. Next door is a newer infill house.
Below, the same house, two years later. Changes include the repainting of the turret, some stonework, and much of the retaining walls.
Image courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
3829 Westminster Place.
Image courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
3835 Westminster Place.
3841 Westminster Place, the last house on the block. The street is closed at this point to create a cul-de-sac.
Image courtesy of Kevin Kieffer.
Tour map