Built St. Louis > > On the Road in New Orleans

New Orleans East (northwest)
Photographs from December 28, 2006

This is another set taken on the move as we headed out of New Orleans East and back into the central portion of the city.

Heading south on Read Boulevard, approaching Chef Menteur Highway.

Ravaged strip malls along Chef Menteur Highway (aka Highway 90.)

Residential neighborhoods north of the highway. The second image is along Bundy Road.

The burnt remnants of an apartment building on the south side of the highway.

Approaching the Danziger Bridge over the Indstrial Canal.

Industrial zones along the canal.

A view toward the mouth of the Industrial Canal. The bridge which carried us into New Orleans East is visible.

Looking south along the canal, with the I-10 highrise bridge in the foreground, and the Florida Avenue lift bridge in the distance.

View as the highway continues on into the city.

The trashed interior of some buildings still waits to be hauled away.
