Built St. Louis > > Vanished Buildings || The Ville > > 4900 Page Boulevard
4900 block of Page Boulevard
A digital recreation
Today, the north side of Page Boulevard's 4900 block is occupied by an enormous big box grocery store, constructed in early 2000s, a brutal wound on the cityscape. Before that the site was vacant land. But in 1986, it was still occupied by single family homes -- not large, not small, the same kind of finely scaled homes that still stand on other blocks... the same kind that good urban environments are made of.
The Historic American Buildings Survey recorded the block and its conditions that year. The images shown here are from that collection (a public domain archive), and attempt to put the pieces of the block together in a more accessible fashion. The data in the original archive is credited to Claude Louishomme, Project Manager, and was compiled in the summer of 1986.
[images not available online]
4935 Page
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(Euclid Realty Flats)
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