Built St. Louis > > Vanished Buildings || North Side > > Pulaski Savings Association
Pulaski Savings Association
Cass Avenue begins north of downtown and runs west, parallel to Delmar and Washington Avenue. It is lined with an eclectic variety of development -- still-functioning industry, the city's bus terminal, vacant lots, and the odd abandoned building. Among the most notable of these was the former Pulaski Savings Association building.
The building went up as the Crunden Branch Library in 1909, designed by Eames and Young. In its day it served a diverse community of ethic and immigrant residents. The structure had been empty since at least early 2001, and probably much longer. Its cornice was stripped of some sea-shell finials; the systematic nature of the removal appeared to be a professional job... and a prelude to the building's abrupt, unheralded demolition.
In August 2005, the building was demolished without any advance notice, in the span of a few days. Only a dirt-and-straw vacant lot remains in its place.
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