Built St. Louis > >St. Louis Riverfront
Summer 2001.
December 2003.
Downriver, and almost directly across from the Arch, stands a solitary grain elevator and barge-loading facility. People visiting often wonder when it's going to finally be torn down. I can't say I support the notion all that much; it'd be a bit depressing to look across the river and see absolutely nothing but trees, as if East St. Louis did not exist at all.
Unsightly though it may be, the grain elevator is more of a true reflection of St. Louis's river heritage than most of what has been dropped on the Missouri side. Long may it stand!
My regret is that virtually all of the other industry of the area has vanished. A forest now grows where railroads and loading docks stood a mere 15 years ago.
Buried beyond the Cargill structure is Illinois' answer to the Arch: the Gateway Geyser. This bizarre fountain, centered in a cirular pool of water, launches a jet of water 630 feet into the air twice daily.
A friend and I tracked it down a few years ago. We found it completely fenced off. Around it: nothing but forest and railroad tracks.
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